
Jason’s Archives: Avacyn Restored Speculation Fest, PAX Recap & Ryan Bushard IAmA

Jason Alt digs through the depths of the internet, curating the Magic-related content he filed away in his archives. This week’s highlights: Avacyn Restored speculationing, PAX Recap, Ryan Bushard’s Reddit IAmA and the results from SCG Des Moines.

Insider: PGET15OFF

What’s up with this article title? Could it be a…code of some sort? How can it save us money on Magic cards?

Insider: How Little Is Too Little? – Determining What Price Threshold Is Worth Your Time When Picking Collections

Picking cards close to bulk is time consuming, but leaving them on the table is obviously money too. How do we balance these competing concerns? Jason Alt describes his latest thoughts and a new approach he’s trying.

Insider: Dealing with the Delver/Burn Metagame – Assessing Cards Whose Stock Has Gone Up

Many people believe the banning of Treasure Cruise is inevitable, but it may be legal for some time yet. Danny Brown asks how to combat the menace in Modern, and suggests a few pickups that are well positioned.

Insider: What Doesn’t Go Up

When similar cards have different prices, one of them is often ripe for a correction. Jason Alt discusses how to look for these discrepancies and get ahead of the market.

Insider: Bulk

Selling bulk can be tedious, but leads to profit just the same. Today Jason Alt discusses how to out bulk, and when you should buy.

Jason’s Alticle: Non Speculation

Jason Alt discusses the thorny difference between speculation and plain old making money, before covering the decks and tournaments from the weekend.

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Quiet Speculation