
[MTGO] 1 Year, 100 Tix – January Report

Sylvain delivers the first report of his “100 Tix 1 Year” investment project. First transactions, winners, losers, overall performance and credits to bots–read how things went for this rather prolific first month.

Insider: A Statistical Look at 2014, and What It Means – An Aggregate Analysis on Annual Gainers and Losers

Today Corbin Hosler looks at aggregate data from 2014 to get an idea of how Magic speculation performed overall. He goes over the biggest gainers and losers from the year, and explains what they mean.

Insider: [MTGO] Is it Worth Your Time? – Standardizing Profit Calculations to Incorporate Time Spent

Sylvain examines a critical component of any investment–time. Between the duration of the investment itself and the human labor required to implement it, time is one component you don’t want to underestimate when evaluating the performance of a spec.

Insider: A Holistic Approach to Modern Masters 2015 – Predicting Card Fluctuations Based on the First MMA

Corbin Hosler reacts to the long-awaited announcement confirming Modern Masters 2015 with an analysis of the last version. Trends from the first outing should inform our predictions for this go around as well.

Insider: [MTGO] Deeper in the Thought Process of Early Sales – Why Selling Too Early Is Preferable to the Alternative

Sylvain goes deeper in explaining his thought process when pulling the trigger to sell. Responding to insiders’ comments, he explains why early sales have done more good than bad for him.

Insider: [MTGO] Small Concessions for Higher Returns

Making the most of your bankroll doesn’t require making the most of every single spec. Small concessions here and there can often lead to higher profit down the road.

Insider: [MTGO] Everything But Khans of Tarkir

Sylvain explains why he doesn’t believe the online release of Khans of Tarkir constitutes a good investment opportunity. He also briefly discusses his plans with the incoming Pro Tour.

This Week On Insider: September 7th – 13th

Each week we review what went on behind the QS Insider curtain. It’s a great way to see what you might be missing if you’re not a subscriber, and a great way to get caught up if you are!

Insider: Khans Rotation Pickups (Part 2)

Corbin Hosler concludes his article on pickups for rotation this Fall leading into Khans of Tarkir. He explains what he’s targeting from Theros and the reasoning behind his choices.

Insider: [MTGO] Investing in M15 Rares on MTGO

After establishing a successful strategy to invest in core set mythics, Sylvain explains the strategy he intends to apply to M15 rares based on the price evolution of M14 rares this past year.

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