
Insider: Tales from the Buylist #4 – Legacy Foreshadowing, Modern Horizons

With several high-profile Legacy events on the horizon, Christopher is looking to format staples for growth. He lays out his reasoning and the current best targets.

Modern Top 5: Enablers

Successful Magic decks are like well-oiled machines: the pieces fit together well enough to ensure they enact their gameplans consistently and effectively. They owe their cohesion toĀ enablers, cards that supercharge certain gameplay mechanics or themes (i.e. “artifacts matter”). Just like payoff cards, or the ones newer players crack in packs and immediately want to cast, […]

Call the Police: Twin’s Role in Modern

Assumptions and collectively-held beliefs are fickle and powerful things. They can affect perception and, in a way, become reality if unchallenged. Therefore, it is critical for the skeptical mind to evaluate and investigate these ideas for validity, especially in the wake of recent bannings. After being challenged on long-held beliefs about Splinter Twin’s effect on […]

Modern Top 5: Graveyard Hate

Creeping Chill has been sanctioned for a month now, and Dredge is steadily regainingĀ its former status as format boogeyman. David’s article from last week met the deck’s rise with an optimism I’m no longer sure I can personally espouse: despite the hate, Dredge put three copies into the Top 32 of GP Atlanta and, more […]

Exploring Some Overlooked Modern Gems

In the vast card pool of Modern, there are quite a few hidden gems that are either underplayed or could see play in other strategies. Decks like Death’s Shadow and KCI existed for a long time before being discovered. This leads me to believe there are plenty of other undiscovered viable decks lurking in the […]

Looking at Colorshifted Reserved List Cards

Wizards apparently does not consider colorshifts to break the principles of the Reserved List. David looks at some of the RL cards that got the treatment worth keeping an eye on.

Insider: Some More Underpriced Modern Cards

Next week Adrian plans to recap his Pro Tour specs to see how they might be improved. In the meantime, he has some choice underpriced picks for Modern.

Draw, Go: Parsing Modern’s Interactive Decks

With Humans the de facto best deck in the format, now’s an exciting time to be interacting in Modern. The control renaissance offers players plenty of options when it comes to picking their poison. Whether they’re zapping Champion of the Parish with Lightning Bolt or Fatal Push, or closing out games with Tarmogoyf or Celestial […]

Insider: Modern Cards Performing after the Unbans

The Modern unbans are in full-effect, and Adam has the details on what cards are winning as a result.

Insider: Biggest Winners from the Modern Unbannings

Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Bloodbraid Elf have been unbanned in Modern. Adam breaks down which cards have gotten better and are in position to rise in price as a result.

The Humans Arrive: Modern’s Next Big Thing

Humans is a thing, yo. I wish that period was a full stop. Pack it up, work here is done, go home and kiss the kids. Not because I donā€™t want to write the article or anything. Simply because those five words encapsulate the range of emotions Iā€™m feeling as I look over the SCG […]

My Ship Now: Taking Hostages in Modern

If you’re like me, most of the excitement surrounding Standard revolves around which of its cards break into Modern. The worlds-apart nature of both formats guarantees that many Standard all-stars don’t make it over this way, and some Standard duds boast impressive utility in Modern. Every so often, though, a card makes a big splash […]

Another Look at Modern Metagame

In today’s installment, Adrian discusses a number of juicy targets based on the current Modern metagame.

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