
So Many Marsh Flats

Insider: Standard, Evolving Dredge & Finance

Mike Lanigan covers a variety of topics in today’s article, including an update of Standard Dredge with the new Journey cards.

Insider: My Journey Into Nyx

David Schumann relates his experience at the Journey Into Nyx prerelease, and shares a few of the new cards he has his eye on.

Insider: Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Primer

Corbin Hosler gears up for the prerelease with a review of notable card prices from the new set. What is over- and underpriced, and why?

Insider: Breaking Down Junk Midrange

Mike looks at 3 Standard deck lists that break out of the typical metagame, building around a potent and dangerous Archangel of Thune core that can end games in short order.

Kiki Pod interview with Brian Liu, winner of GP: Richmond

A Theros Sealed PTQ Report

Ryan recounts a recent Sealed PTQ he played in, where he narrowly missed top 8.

Insider: Cleanin’ Out My Closet

David Schumann examines some specs from the past that failed to pan out, asking why they failed and what to avoid in the future.

Zero to Draft: Navigating a New Format

Danny recaps a recent draft as he begins to give into the world of Born of the Gods limited.

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