
Insider: The Hidden Treasures of Picking Bulk

Adam recently went through a box of old bulk he had been putting off, and he discovered much more than value…

Insider: Selling Time

Nine times out of 10, selling after the Pro Tour is the right strategy. Sig didn’t speculate on the event this time, but that hasn’t kept him from doing more selling than buying lately.

Insider: A Deeper Look at Masterpieces

After a few years, we have some concrete data to compare and contrast the Masterpieces. David breaks down what we know to see which are attractively priced.

Insider: How I Made Almost $1000 Buylisting Bulk

DJ walks us through a recent buylist sent to Card Kingdom consisting of lots of bulk. This is a great way to monetize your hobby.

Insider: Pitfalls of Investing in the Reserved List

Reserved List cards are useful as speculative vehicles, but they’re not as foolproof as they seem. Niels explains some of the crucial downsides they can present.

Insider: The Effect of Masterpieces

To get an idea of how Masterpieces will affect pricing, David looks back to the first version of the new ultra-rarity: Zendikar Expeditions.

Insider: Six Early SOI Playables in the New Modern

Shadows over Innistrad has already made huge waves in Standard. Today Sheridan investigates its impact in Modern so far and the early financial indications.

Insider: Staying Aggressive in Post-Unban Modern

The April 4 unbans have all eyes on the new toys for control archetypes, but Sheridan is here to remind you to stay aggressive, proactive, and linear in Modern.

A Defense of the Splinter Twin Ban

My Saturday morning kicks off a lot like yours. I roll out of bed, throw on some Future, have a latte. Get on Facebook. Then, my inbox starts exploding. “Is Modern dead?” “How do you feel about the ban?” Dead? What ban? Wait, there are links. Links from Magic players I’ve never met. The same link, […]

Insider: Managing Hype Traps in Modern

It’s easy to buy into over-hyped cards in Modern without considering them in the format’s context. Sheridan provides some tips to avoid getting swept up in the next major finance blunder.

Insider: Two Post-RPTQ Modern Buys

The first wave of Modern RPTQ data is in, and we’re already seeing some interesting trends. Read on for two Modern spec targets Sheridan is excited about.

Insider: [MTGO] An Introduction to Short Selling – The Case of Jace

Sylvain has begun to short sell on MTGO. Using the recent example of Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy, he discusses what could be a revolution in the world of MTGO finance.

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Quiet Speculation