
Interesting New Set Observations

It’s been a while since Sig studied pricing trends on new sets. But a few recent observations have caught his attention. This week Sig shares these trends as he learns about the new normal that is Standard MTG finance.

A Deep Dive into Ice Age

Ice Age isn’t exactly known for its endless value. Just because there are no $100 cards in the set doesn’t mean its terrible to pick through. This week Sig shares his appreciation for Ice Age and highlights why its bulk may be worth more than it seems.

Hold ‘Em & Fold ‘Em #17

It’s time for another Hold ‘Em & Fold ‘Em! With a recent rotation, what’s on Eddie’s mind this week?

Hold ‘Em & Fold ‘Em #16

The SCG Dallas Open showcased some interesting developments in several formats. Eddie takes stock of new technology and logs the changes to his portfolio in response.

Hold ‘Em & Fold ‘Em #15

Another week of Guilds of Ravnica, another set of recommendations. Eddie provides the latest moves in his portfolio, including some Modern breakouts and a few odd foils.

Hold ‘Em & Fold ‘Em #14

Week one of new Standard is upon us, with an SCG Standard Open in the books. Eddie looks at the latest holds and folds in the context of the emerging metagame.

Unlocked: Can Magic Investing Scale?

A recent debate on the Insider Discord got Sig thinking about the scalability of Magic. Can Magic be an investment vehicle for the rich and famous?

Insider: Standard Decks to Watch

In the two Grand Prix events last weekend we saw the post-Pro Tour metagame beginning to evolve. Adrian covers the newcomers and discusses potential spec targets.

Unlocked: An Objective Comparison of Magic and Real Estate

The real estate market in Seattle is surprisingly reminiscent of recent Reserved List chatter int the world of Magic. Sig discusses the parallel and attempts to predict what’s to come.

Insider: The Mystery of Vraska and Carnage Tyrant

What is up with six-mana mythics and the MTGO marketplace? Kyle investigates the implications of a couple odd cards.

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Quiet Speculation